Maryland Legislature approves tax credit for small business paid sick leave
At the end of its session this month, the Maryland Legislature approved $5 Million in tax credits for those small businesses that provide benefits under the Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Law to employees earning less than earn 250% of the annual federal poverty guideline. A small business may receive a tax credit equal to the lesser of $500 for each qualified employee, or the total amount of paid time off provided in accordance with the Paid Leave Compromise Act (SB 135/HB 98 of 2018) to qualified employees. Only businesses with 14 or fewer employees are eligible for this credit. The credit is to be provided on a first-come-first-credited basis until the $5 Million aggregate credit amount is reached. If signed by Governor Hogan as expected, this law will take effect on July 1, 2018, but will apply retroactively to the entire 2018 tax year.