Experienced education lawyers
Lewicky, O’Connor, Hunt & Meiser education lawyers have years of experience helping clients address challenges arising from the education of children, including: IEP meetings, Section 504 meetings, Due Process Hearings, redistricting disputes, and disciplinary actions.
IEP Meetings
Our attorneys represent families in Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings with public school teachers, counselors, and administrators who make up the IEP team. The IEP process can often be complicated and difficult for parents and students alike. Having an attorney to advocate on behalf of your child can streamline the process and ensure that your child receives the services they need. Federal law requires that every student be provided a free and appropriate public education. Attorneys at Lewicky, O’Connor, Hunt, & Meiser ensure that the school system is held accountable for meeting all state and federal requirements and providing your child the education and services to which they are entitled.